you know it’s real love when you can sit through a 0-5 season and still love your team. or even worse, have to sit through watching the motherfucking broncos win with all those smug-ass denver fans watching in the bleachers and not want to stab everything.
because i do love my boys in silver & black…but fuck, man. could there possibly be like, just a tiny bit fewer penalties?! PLEASE?!? gah. oh and lamont jordan is still my forever baby daddy…but i know the game was rough on him too. also, jerry porter has been suspended for 4 games by art shell…that is, like, not good. on top of randy moss telling everyone and anyone that he wants to be traded and wouldn’t mind leaving oakland. fuck that noise.
next up is arizona at home, but that could get post-poned for stupid baseball playoff games (ghey) and i’ll be in chi-town for work either way and may not get to see the game…rough. at least janikowski is still having a perfect season, for what it’s worth.
but…win or lose, i still loves my football. especially loves my football with booze. and hey, at least kickball was awesome and fun, and we totally beat the hipsters (super-ghey team name).
and, tv on the radio still rocks my socks so hard. they are so much fun live, i had no idea! super fun! i can’t wait to see them again.