and maybe just a little bit too geeky for my own good, but nonetheless fucking awesome.
you know why?
it’s not because i just discovered & can obsessively compare my rent to other rent averages in my neighborhood and surrounding areas with rentometer (which is cool, by the way). and it’s not because i celebrate pi day (3/14 for all you unknowing fools out there) with tons of tasty, delicious pies. and it’s not because i can play oregon trail on my computer whenever i want and watch everyone drown and get typhoid.
oh no no no…
it’s because i fucking OWN these now! awww yeah, mine mine mine!
i would wear them everyday, everyday! if i could! (note: i totally am not going to, ew!)
i guess what they say is true: you never forget your first!
edit: i just realized, this is NOT the first time i’ve got underwear via the mail…jesus…