every once in a while i realize that the last time i had only one job i was in high school. and even so, that didn’t last very long because once summer hit i started tutoring at the college, thus starting my job #2 habit. and i’ve always had 2 jobs, sometimes (often) even more. the most i had at once, i think, was 5 jobs: tech monkey, mac ADVteam leader, cooking assistant, ua (tech monkey @ school), showcase ua. and it was insane and ultimately hurt me more than it helped me. another time i had three jobs and one of them was freelance while the other two were full-time/part-time gigs in the Real World. but i’ve always been so busy i don’t know what to do with myself, and yet scraping by to try and not be a completely poor motherfucker.
now, i’m very happily employed at my one and only job right now, and i’m making decent pay (or better than i ever have before) and yet, it’s right around payday (like today) when i budget everything out, allot money for bills, and rent (especially at the end of the month) and realize i’m so hosed. budgeting & saving & bills & also trying to scrape together some money for a few measely christmas gifts…
it’s frustrating. and when i realize just how broke i am no matter what i do…it just makes me want to suck it up and get another job. because maybe that’s what i need to do. how in the hell i’m going to do that, i don’t quite know right now. work is busy and time-consuming, and i’m so spoiled with this whole “go-to-work-whenever-i-feel-like” habit that i don’t know if i can rightly break myself of it. ugh…meh…feh.
and time is running out so soon, running out left & right that i don’t even know what to do anymore.