i am, so 100% totally and completely in love with my apartment. it is unbelievably awesome, everything about it is AWESOME. my bedroom is finally coming together — mainly because i have the best boss ever! — and the living room is at least setup. i’ve got the kitchen pretty much completely good to go with everything in it, and my bathroom is ready pending some shelves and maybe a towel rack.
everything is fabulous in it.
moving was a fucking ordeal, and those stairs are brutal, but i’m happy. and i could not have been moved in to spend my first night in my apt by this past saturday if not for the help of colin, which was way awesome. lola had a spazz attack initially, but now she’s in love with the apartment too — i can tell. she’s a whore for the sunny window sills. and sleeping cuddled on my bed. last night, i even cooked my first dinner in the apartment, it was great! because it is mine, because it is beautimous. i’m still getting used to all this freedom, but it is utterly fabulous.
i love it.
of course, stocking a new apartment is hard work and now i am like, so completely and totally poor as shit. poor as shit until next thursday. and that sucks HARD.
but in the end, it’s all worth it. completely.
So happy for you. livin’ the dream.