i can’t get over this article.
ivy league gear is cool now? it’s fashionable? what. the. fuck?!?!
i can’t even BEGIN to wrap my brain around that. it’s completely unfathomable. it’s as if someone were to come up and say “hey, the sky is purple, the grass is orange, and sun is made out of old play-doh.” and expect you to believe that shit.
in fact, even the people wearin’ this shit don’t be believin’ it completely:
When asked about the provenance of his Harvard jacket, Shakeil Brown, a St. Anthony High School student in Jersey City, responded: “I don’t know,†He helpfully pointed to the back: “It says ‘Crimson.’â€
what the fuckhell?
apparently the shit i wouldn’t even consider wearing unless it is Laundry Day, or i need a dusting rag, is now all the rage. but really, is anything puffy would wear really cool? no…i don’t think so, bitchez.
chip: thank god this fad will be over by summer
pineapple: hopefully they’ll move onto vocational schools
chip: seriously
pineapple: or all be rockin’ Blaine tshirts
chip: ITT in the hizouse
pineapple: university of phoenix, bitchez! represent!
chip: HAHAHAHA! yessss! that is where they all go to get their learn on
pineapple: haha yes!