but i begin with a mini rant:
i cannot quantify in mere words my utter & extreme & scathing, burning, all-encompassing hatred for Host It Now Networks and Mr. Timothy J. Rice.
words cannot even begin to explain the rage i have towards that filthy, fuckwit, retard, douchebag asshole. such a shady, underhanded, despicable person. i hope he’s consumed by at least 50 different types of fiery venereal diseases. burning, oozing, volatile diseases.
suck ass motherfucker.
but at the end of the day it totally doesn’t matter because i am free free FREE from him and his fucking sorry ass excuse for a hosting company and all the fraudulent practices therein.
free at last & finally back. aw hell yeah. things were bumpy for a little bit there in the start, but new hosting company appears to be finally getting it’s act together. and with the exception of a few minor glitches, it’s all good. note to self: never re-construct a sql database line by line….ever…again.
and thus, all is well.
yesterday, i took a completely superfluous day off of work to top off a spectacularly glorious zombie jesus day. it really is one of my favorite holidays ever, really. service was nice, though i’m still pretty pissed off about the whole shutting down of st. gabriel’s — why does MA hate all catholic churches? food was plentiful and yummy, alcohol was even more plentiful and even more yummy, and the company was great. also: guitar fuckin’ hero.
my fingers hurt and my eyes are most likely completely rotted out of their sockets now but i don’t care because i totally ROCKED OUT WITH MY COCK OUT!!! RAH!
also: i beat the shit out of lumines & managed to catch up with two friends over the course of the weekend.
yeah, all is definitely well.