this whole having no flash thing totally sucks dick. my camera has been on it’s last pitiful legs since fucking october, and it’s unfixable. it’s only now starting to really pose a problem for me.
le sigh…
so many things i need to replace.
but the point is, i made an AWESOME tshirt, which is just totally not done justice by these shitty, shitty pictures.
stupid, stupid camera.
anyway, my beautiful awesome shirt that was SUPER HARD to make. but awesome nonetheless (original tshirt supplied by my coca):
it’s a really pretty yellow, though you can’t quite tell because of the camera:
and the monkey is just ADORABLE:
closeup of super hard to do bottom hem:
back trim & big green (they’re really green) buttons:
second attempt at capturing awesomeness of buttons:
closeup of rufffly lace trim in front:
it really does look cooler in person, or on a non-shitty camera.