after being out of sorts and sick as a dog for so long, i’m finally coming back to myself. it’s kinda nice. definitely long overdue.
friday was a full-blown day of recovery and hiding out from the cold for both the boy and myself. just, one long week of bullshit that couldn’t end quick enough, you know? the plus: we totally got 30 days of night. which is completely awesome. sometimes you’re just in the mood for some utterly fantastic gore. and josh hartnet aside, it is a great movie.
saturday i re-entered the realm of cooking. god, a little emergency trip cross-country and some debilitating disease and it’s amazing how long one can go without using their kitchen. downright scary. thus, to get back into the swing of things, i whipped up some yummy spaghetti.
but before the cooking, there was ridiculous fun to be had. aragorn and i went to see Be Kind Rewind. utterly fabulous movie. period! i mean, jack black AND mos def? where could you possibly go wrong? it was funny, and heartwarming, and adorable, and real. i cannot wait, absolutely CAN NOT wait, until it is out on dvd. it’s the kind of movie you see and immediately know: I MUST OWN THIS! i’ve been waiting for this movie to come out, absolutely dying to see it; and i was not disappointed. however, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, the science of sleep? how can you go wrong with another michael gondry film? you just can’t. i’ve seen everything he has to offer in the theatre and it has been fabulous every time. plus when he keeps including hotties like gael garcia bernal and mos def in his projects, who am i to complain? all in all, fabulous film. i would DEFINITELY see it again.
so spectacular.
sunday was a day of epic feasting. i made a real breakfast for the first time in god knows how long, and the evening was devoted to trying out various recipes. there was broccoli cheese soup (which needs some tweaking…damn), and GIANT SLABS OF MEAT on the broiler. all in all, i’d have to say my foray back into the kitchen has been successful so far. plus, i now do not have to cook for a while, hooray!
which leaves more time for watching fabulous movies.