today’s favorite shark is the fearsome basking shark! OH NOES! it is truly a sight to behold is the second largest fish after the whale shark (which i considered for today). even though these sharks are so docile and arguably gentle, they are by far some of the creepiest i’ve ever seen. that huge, gaping maw certainly is a bit disconcerting, that’s for sure. i wouldn’t mind seeing one up-close, though. i bet they are fantastically amazing.
known as cetorhinus maximus, vital statistics:
- normally 20′-26′, full grown (though there have been reports of a 40’+ shark)
- found worldwide in boreal to warm-temperate waters around the continental shelves
- lives almost entirely off of plankton
- cavernous jaw full of gillrakers for sifting plankton, small fish & invertebrates
- very slow swimming speed, docile
- only right-ovary is functional in females
- gestation lasts for over a year, but maybe 2-3 years (inconclusive, also WTF?!)
all in all, a pretty damn cool shark.
for serious and for true!?!!?