so this whacked out pharmacy of completely ignorant fuckbags had decided that they won’t sell any contraception whatsoever because it conflicts with their “faith and morals”. by being judgmental asspricks they’re basically foisting their misguided “morals” on the world without a second thought. as they’ve stated “anyone who wants condoms, birth control pills or the Plan B emergency contraceptive will be turned away.”
what about women who need birth control pills for medical & health reasons that are unrelated to whether or not they’re able to have children? what about married couples? do they sell lube? do they sell fucking viagra? this is the most hypocritical and infuriatingly ignorant shit i’ve seen in a while. the idea of a “pro-life” pharmacy is so unbelievably retarded that i almost can’t believe such idiocy is real.
except, it is.
The pharmacies are emerging at a time when a variety of health-care workers are refusing to perform medical procedures they find objectionable. Fertility doctors have refused to inseminate gay women. Ambulance drivers have refused to transport patients for abortions. Anesthesiologists have refused to assist in sterilizations.
The most common, widely publicized conflicts have involved pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control pills, morning-after pills and other forms of contraception. They say they believe that such methods can cause what amounts to an abortion and that the contraceptives promote promiscuity, divorce, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and other societal woes. The result has been confrontations that have left women traumatized and resulted in pharmacists being fired, fined or reprimanded.
(source: pharmacy website)
i don’t understand how a pharmacist, someone who HAS TO HAVE FUCKING MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC TRAINING AND BACKGROUNDS can be so blind to facts and science and fucking logic. you know what spreads sexually transmitted diseases? NOT USING A FUCKING CONDOM! simply just saying “sex is wrong” and “abstinence is the way” does not fucking stop kids, adults, anyone from having sex when they want to. but saying something as completely reckless and ignorant as “contraceptives promote the spread of stds” is so mind-bogglingly dangerous that i do not know how these stupid fucks haven’t been shut the hell down. they’re worried about a woman, who may not even have a sexual partner at the time, getting her legally prescribed birth control because of the possibility of “stopping life” with said contraceptives. except, when you need birth control pills to stop some severe lady parts conditions from incapacitating you and it is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for you to conceive, then that notion of life and whether or not it is stopped is thrown out the damn window and look what they have made me do with my giant, unending, ANGRY sentence!!! why is this country full of so many fucking ignorant, morally arrogant, self-righteous prudes?!
“This allows a pharmacist who does not wish to be involved in stopping a human life in any way to practice in a way that feels comfortable,” said Karen Brauer, president of Pharmacists for Life International, which promotes a pharmacist’s right to refuse to fill such prescriptions.
if you don’t like/can’t handle part of your job as a service professional because you think that it conflicts with whatever trumped up personal morals you have, DON’T FUCKING TAKE THAT JOB! christ. it is selfish, dangerous, ignorant, and flat out wrong to make everyone else suffer on your behalf. you’re disenfranchising an entire gender and seriously jeopardizing the health of your customers.
judgments are not the christian way. reckless endangerment is not the christian way. god is not about disenfranchising people, about judging them and putting their lives at risk. If you think that, you are a.) a horrible christian b.) ignorant beyond belief c.) pure evil or d.) all of the above. if you think that, you ought to be ASHAMED of yourself.
god is love, you ignorant motherfuckers. god is helping your fellow man (or woman), god is not recrimination and spreading your hatred under the cloak of “faith”.
this place needs to be boycotted, and NOW.