take a good long look at these shitlicking motherfuckers right here. this is ignorance personified, this is hatred in the flesh, this is stupid thriving.
(Pictured: Bob Knoke, of Mission Viejo, Amanda Stanfield, of Monrovia, Jim Domen, of Yorba Linda, and J.D. Gaddis, of Yorba Linda, celebrate returns for Proposition 8 at an Irvine hotel.)
may they all rot, and burn, and get eaten by a bear. on an otherwise AWESOME day, with a stunning (so quick!) mccain/palin defeat to savor, there’s a good chance that california is going to ban gay marriages. arizona and florida already did (wtf, florida? can you ever just NOT fuck shit up? also, hello miami!? wtf?!) though thankfully the SD abortion ban did not pass. just, in the face of such “hope” and “change” why is it that there are so many people out there who decided they don’t want to be halfway decent human beings and will cock it up for everyone else?
Seventy four million dollars spent Proposition 8, oy. In a state flirting with default with an awe-inspiring foreclosure rate where $30 of car purchases in 2007 were financed with home equity, someone has seventy four million dollars to spend on this stupid thing
can you believe wasting that much money on hatred? i cannot fathom…
i know last night was all about the change that’s come to america and how we’re supposed to feel hopeful. but i just can’t get in that spirit right now when we’re a country full of morally-corrupt, bigoted, self-righteous assholes who think they know what’s best for everyone else based on their skewed perspectives.
america doesn’t want gays to marry, because there can only be ONE definition of marriage. can we as a country let the line between church and state get so unidentifiably blurred that our “democracy” looks more like an exorcism gone wrong than legislature and deny fellow human beings their god-given (yes, i totally said that, EVERYONE has the right to love, no matter whether or not they decide to include “marriage” in that love) rights because of religious fanaticism? YES WE CAN.
america doesn’t believe that women are intelligent enough, capable enough to take matters of their own health and bodies into their own hands. our privacy as women and citizens is not respected. can we do everything in our power to try time and time again to restrict the rights of women everywhere with regards to their own health and bodies? YES WE CAN.
how many years as a country and we still can’t wrap our heads around the fact that people’s private lives are just that: PRIVATE. the government should not care who’s fucking who (so long as it’s not child/animal fucking) or who’s doing what medical procedure for their own personal and private health choices. i do not understand how a country that was allegedly founded by an effort to escape religious persecution can do nothing but persecute its citizens on a largely mis-directed religious basis.
do i have feelings one way or another about homosexuality? honestly? no. i don’t. i could fucking care less. marriage i care even less about as it is something that never has and never will have a part in my life.
what i do care about is equal rights. if you slice open a gay man and a straight man, you’re going to find the same fucking parts inside and also get blood all over the damn walls. same for women, and “minorities”, and christians and non-christians alike. let me spell it out for you:
and i don’t know how much longer the country can front this “all men are created equal” bullshit while still denying and violating the rights of so many of its citizens. i mean, we are deathly afraid (as a nation) of things that are “different” or things we don’t “understand”. it’s shameful. and i was hoping that this whole economic crisis and eight fucking years of war would get the country to snap out of its self-entitled arrogance trip, but i guess not even the threat of total economic devastation can do that.
there is absolutely NO REASON that any one person or group of people can justifiably be excluded the rights of every other citizen in america. NONE. if you are a law-abiding (important) resident of the united states then god damn it, you should have every single fucking right that any other law-abiding resident of the US has. period.
because exclusion is a slippery slope to destruction.
if you ban gay couples from marriage, what’s to stop you from extending that doctrine outward? maybe mixed-race couples should be banned again? maybe you should only be allowed to marry/partner with people who are your same age? maybe only blonde people can be married? maybe only christians? maybe the government should arrange all marriages?
and while we’re at it, maybe we’ll just go full on handmaid’s tale and make all women chattel, since they aren’t capable enough to take matters of their own health into their own hands (also: they’re baby killers).
maybe everyone who speaks more than one language should be deported? maybe everyone with freckles should be put in prison to keep genetic mutations from infiltrating the gene pool further? maybe the color orange should be banned from any and all signs, books, fabrics, materials and paints? maybe there should be only one religion for the whole country? and one high-priest to rule over all?
those are all ridiculous and stupid ideas, but i honestly do not believe that they are so outlandish that some numb fuck in charge won’t agree with at least a few. and that is what upsets me about this nation.
you say we’ve come far, that change has come to america. but i wonder if it has come too late…?