oh yeah, it’s fuckin’ SHARK WEEK, yo! which, actually started on sunday, but we were busy rocking out and such, so there’s a bit of a delay.
the shark of the day is: greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus)
size: 21-24 ft. long / up to 2200 lbx.
habitat: depths of the northern atlantic waters, near greenland and iceland
prey: fish, seals, the occasional reindeer or polar bear (NOT CONSIDERED DANGEROUS TO HUMANS)
fun facts: the greenland shark is virtually blind, as parasites attach themselves to the shark’s corneas and eat the tissue. there are reports of greenland sharks being able to detect light, however. also, their flesh is toxic to everything but other greenland sharks. sometimes they go cannibal on each other. their lifespan may be as long as 200 years! that is mind-blowing.
monday’s shark of the day: the whitespotted bamboo shark(Chiloscyllium plagiosum)
ok, number one: YOU CAN KEEP THESE FUCKERS AS PETS! AWESOME! because, now, i require a shark. and who knows just who would win shark v. nacho cagefight!? again, these sharks are harmless to humans, totally HARMLESS!
sunday’s shark of the day: the pocket shark (Mollisquama parini)
mainly because the name tickles me. can’t find a picture of these little buggers, but needless to say they are HARMLESS.