i was lucky enough to have a three-day weekend this week, and oh my god did i totally NEED it like you wouldn’t believe. i know, i know, just went to mexico, shouldn’t complain…but the world finds ways to totally shit on me and god damnit i needed a break. thus, weekend of unending AWESOME.
in fact, it started early (on thursday) with a fancy outing to cuchi cuchi for tasty dinner and cocktails. the boy had never been before, and i’ve only been a handful of times so it was super exciting. also: DELICIOUS.
cuchi cuchi really is fantastic, and if you have not been, i highly recommend it.
it was, epic. and delicious. and awesome. i’m so happy we finally got to go there together.
saturday, the boy was super plague-ridden (which, if i’m catching it like i think i am i will END HIM!) but fun was still to be had. but enough about that, saturday was all about: APPLE PICKING!
clearly there was much fun to be had and more apples than you can shake a fist at, man. SO MANY APPLES!!! also, saturday involved some painting while i prep for dia de los muertos.
i’m getting a bit better at working out the designs in my head, but i have a lot more painting to do. and now, three more skulls to work on!
sunday, however, was probably the most fantastmagorically funtastic day in the whole wide world. there was frolicking, there was a MOTHERFUCKING LEGO PIRATE SHIP!!!, and there was even some french toast! but more importantly, we went to see the gossip and THEN THERE WAS ROCK!!!!!
hell, my neck still hurts from rocking out so damn hard! but oh my god it was 100% totally WORTH IT! fyi, beth ditto is a GOD!
and monday, monday was another fantastic evening at the cantab (i know, right? wtf?) for the greater boston alternative comedy sleepover…which is a mouthful to say and definitely the best thing about monday nights ever.