so, despite getting back from nyc at 10 am on a sunday and subsequently passing out until fucking 4:30 pm (who’s a winner? i am! clearly! ugh…) i had my midterm on sunday.
i finished around 7:30-8 ish. and obviously stopped to have dinner in the middle, which is the best practice you know.
anyway, the electronic grading was BAD. so bad. yuck. i just felt so awful i didn’t even care. what’s the best way to come down from a 112% homework assignment high? BOMB A FUCKING MIDTERM!
and i couldn’t even do anything about it, really. plus i was still numb from the fucking weekend.
flash forward to monday morning, and i get my grade back from the prof. not only did i pass the midterm (didn’t even fall in the failing range!) but i’m carrying a high B for the course so far! huzzah!
also, i’m pretty much breaking any and all curves for my stupid ethics course by getting a solid 100% across the board. the thing is, though, that’s the class i could give a fuck about. so i’m like, oh A+? who gives a shit?
certainly not me!