there is no christmas tree this year. normally, i pull it out and clear out space in the livingroom and set up the lights and ornaments and all of that. right now, all we have is our stockings up. it was super sad finding my brother’s stocking from last year, all by itself in the closet. part of me misses having a tree up, but i’m too stressed over everything going down this year.
other things i’m not doing? baking, cooking or making super delicious things in general. no sweet treats, no cheesecakes, no cookies or chocolates or tasty snacks. no meat christmas, no elaborate dinners, nothing. i’ve been so worn down with being ohmygodfuckingsiiiick forever and ever and school and general exhaustion that it’s just not happening this year. is it sad? yeah, it’s pretty damn sad.
aragorn made reservations for us on christmas eve (later today, apparently!) at cuchi cuchi. we always have a great time there, but i am going to be a little bummed anyway. we were going to have our christmas together, which i was looking forward to. on the one hand, it’s really sad that i won’t be with my family, i haven’t seen them since october…it’s been a year since i’ve seen my brother. it’s pretty damn sad, actually. i miss them a lot. and i was looking forward to football and dinner and presents tomorrow with the boy, and opening our stockings on christmas. then, we were going to head out to charlie’s with a friend and try and recoup our thanksdrinking losses and to the pub and chinese food thing…
that’s changed a bit, though. some of our plans are down the drain now. and it doesn’t feel like christmas. it feels like another shit weekend, really.
i dunno, maybe that will change after tonight? maybe it won’t…
at least there will be a giant bucket of sangria.