so week three of the 2005 NFL season is wrapping up, and things are not looking too good for the boys in silver & black, yo. as far as i could hear, yesterday’s game against philly was damn good. and for the most part, well-played, just not.quite.there.yet. of course, only being able to sporadically catch clips/updates on CBS and listen online — hey, network television…fuck you — was nerve-wracking and i would’ve loved to have actually been able to see my raiders play.
because the only part of football i really, truly do not like is the announcers. they are stupid, over-hyped, massively biased, washed-up, has-been windbags. (even if madden does occassionally make me laugh…) and yet, radio announcers (somewhat better than their TV brethren) are all i have been able to rely on for my raiders action two weeks running. i’m getting severely annoyed with this and once again wondering why i don’t live on the west coast: 1.) i would not have to deal with soul-shattering winters of dick-freezing doom 2.) i would be able to stand outside the stadium and stalk charles woodson & jerry porterwatch the raiders on broadcast television.
now, this is the schedule that has been fucking me over (because of course on the raiders website every game listed is broadcast in california, duh); however, if you look carefully, this coming sunday the raiders are most definitely going to be playing. and it’s the only game listed for that slot, 4:15 EST on fox. i have already written it down in my calendar and am planning my future booze aquisition. i’m fuckin’ watching oaktown play dallas if it’s the last thing i do, damnit!!!
mine :