mine :
flip flops…there is nothing remotely interesting about these rather crappy and useless “shoes”. in fact, the only use i can think for them is moderate foot protection at the beach and/or in locker room showers. and that’s it.
however, yesterday the boy and i were trapped on the subway from roughly kenmore to allston st. with a pack of what he’s aptly named “flip flop bitches”. now, we had a good day; a lovely day of driving around, harassinating the jetta and swinging (we swang, we swung, we swingded!), right? it was good. and then just resting on the train back to allston it dawns on me that damn near every bitch on the T except for myself and one other girl is wearing flip flops with jeans, and the same fugly ass nail polish (in a shade between pinkish red & magenta) in various stages of chipping off. every god damned one of them. all! i don’t fucking get it. was there some announcement that all girls must wear flip flops — no matter what the weather — with jeans? and the same polish, everywhere? seriously mind boggled, yo. and then, with mounting horror i began to wonder if it was a weird cult thing, as it was reaffirmed just how un-fashionable i am…when they began to do the unthinkable.
they started talking about their fucking flip flops. comparing them, discussing the lining (what.the.fuck!? how in the fuck do flip flops have lining!?) etc. etc. please god kill me now. etc. i mean, how in the hell does anyone come up with anything to say about fucking flip flops for that fucking long?! seriously. is there something fabulously spectacular about them that i’m missing? and who in god’s name thought that they look good with jeans? or anything else, for that matter? if that’s fashionable, then fuck fashion, i’d rather look dopey in my sneakers. flip flops are cheap and uncomfortable, and certainly not an interesting topic of conversation, and i don’t think there’s any amount of alcohol that would make them so.
honestly, i think merely being in the presence of said flip flop bitches with their asinine discussion made me considerably dumber. valuable brain meats were squandered as i tried to maintain tolerance until my stop.
i just don’t fucking get it.
and i hope i never do…
mine :
at least, that’s the basis (in simplest terms) of a bill that alabama lawmakers are trying to pass. now, not to get all bleeding-heart-liberal (as the midget would say) but what the bloody fuck? how do people like this get placed in positions of power? seriously…i mean, all shit like this does is breed hate and ignorance. what exactly gives some crazy ol’ politician the right to decree “homosexuality is an unacceptable lifestyle”, anyway?
mine :
so the vatican has finally decided on a new pope. cardinal joseph ratzinger of germany, now pope benedict XVI. w0rd.
i don’t really have uber-strong feelngs either way, i mean, i realize the political impact the pope has on the world…it’s just, the politics of organized religion hold very little appeal for me. i think it underminds the faith that it’s based on. at least, personally. religion and faith are two very different things in my world. they are closely inter-twined. but at the end of the day it’s my faith that keeps me going, not my religion. if that makes sense.
either way, i get annoyed how bashing on catholicism is the new black. yes, i’m a horrible catholic and make the alter boy buttsex jokes all the time. but i mean, those are funny. the american interferance with papal business and criticism on the general tenets of the church are what get to me. because people go off on their little soapboxes without understanding any of it. it’s fashionable to hold catholicism in disdain, but what most americans don’t realize is american catholics make up a very small minority of the population of catholics in the world. very small minority, indeed.
additionally, we are in the evil clutches of one of the most fundamentally “religious” presidents in recent history…and nobody is worried about what he’s doing. everyone criticizes the catholic position on contraception, but doesn’t realize that good ol’ satandubya doesn’t even like to *mention* contraception. abstinence without education is his modus operandi. his gospel truth. his utter bullshit.
i’m far too militant, i blame al franken. he has given me more fuel for my george w. bush hate.
mine :
according to this article on netscape, women want the following (commentary in italics, rant to follow):
- Saying “I love you” before, during or after sex doesn’t count.
um, like…who *didn’t* know that. but i’m skeptical of the L-word anyway now…you know, the whole “burn me once…” thing… mehz0rz. - When we ask you how we look, “fine” is not an appropriate answer.
yeah, right. like i’d ever ask the boy (or any boy, for that matter) how i look! - We obsess over whether you’ll call from the moment we give you our number.
…only if we’ve skipped our meds… - We fantasize. But it’s usually about you.
key word to note: usually. - We love it when you email us at work.
ok i have to admit, this is primarily true. work is boring as fuck. the boy and i email back and forth pretty much every day, all day. and it definitely helps to break up the monotony. besides, it’s fun. - No matter how cool we seem about it, if you did something bad, we’re pissed off.
what.evs. if a dude pisses me off, believe me, he KNOWS about it. regardless of who he is. - Don’t patronize us by asking if our bad mood is because of PMS.
any dude who values his testicles, knows this from birth. - Don’t ever tell us what to do, even when we ask you to.
why the fuck would i ask someone “what do i do now?” without wanting a fucking answer? that’s just stupid. how else do you think i learn how to play video games? - We will leave you if you lie to us.
big.fat.word. i can’t fucking stand liars. - We’re unimpressed by men who don’t take the lead. Be a man, dammit!
::shrug:: whatever. i don’t need a man to lead me around, in fact, if someone tried, i guarantee that i would react highly unpleasantly to it. most likely exceptionally violently. fucking gender stereotypes. - We love when you hold our hands.
…unless we’re feeling grody and icky. or need to wash our hands. or we’re trying to smack you and you hold our hands down…bastard. but on a whole, hand holding is kinda nice. - We need to hear how you feel about us. Tell us right now. And again in ten minutes.
again: only if we’ve skipped our meds and are completely psychotic, insecure bitches. jesus. if someone told me how they felt about me (good or bad) every ten minutes i’d be forced to shut them the fuck up. god, annoying! - We want to be the best thing that ever happened to you — and for you to know it.
what kind of girl wants to be an/a [ipod/xbox/inflatable doll/pizza/alcohol]? wtf? that’s highly conceited. and stupid. - If we don’t feel loved, we’ll start looking elsewhere.
well that’s kinda “duh”, but if you’re loved…you just…know. and if you require that someone reaffirm their affections every god damned day/hour/minute/second/whatever, then you’ll probably never be happy with anybody. because they won’t be able to meet your crazy expectations. - Don’t talk about your ex. Ever.
yes, forbidding someone to do something, ultimatums, commands, direct orders…those are all *smart* ideas. NOT. exes are tricky things, but if i can’t control when my psychotic loser ex gets randomly gets ahold of me, how am i to assume that a dude can? whatevers. exes are exes for a reason - We like porn, too.
::shrug:: i guess. i’ve never really watched any pr0n. (unless it stars your mom) - We remember everything about our relationships. Yes, everything.
gah. that’s unfortunately kinda true. but i don’t remember big “milestones” i remember completely random and inane things that just won’t go away. like, i don’t remember my first time, except for the vaguest details. but i’ll remember a conversation, or a movie or something crazy like that. or the color of a shirt, or something watched, something eaten or drank. it’s retarded. - We let you fix things.
define “fix things”? that’s stupid. if i can do something, i’ll do it my own damned self. otherwise that’s just lazy. - You’re sexiest when you’re: sweating, driving, shaving, or holding a baby.
the only way anyone is sexy while they’re holding a baby, is if they’re getting ready to grill that sucker up for dinner. babies = anti-boner. - We’ve faked it.
i’ve only had to fake it once. and that was the only time i slept with the party in question, and i don’t like to talk about it. - Groping and foreplay are not the same thing.
i suppose it depends on my mood, but it could be. mayhaps. still…random drunken bar groping by strangers. BAD LIST! - While we’re on the subject: more foreplay!
i think the prevalent thing out there is that women always complain about their sex lives. not enough forplay, no orgasms, etc. etc. etc. some women have good sex lives, damnit. and it’s a two-way street. if you’re not enjoying yourself, make an effort. maybe you’re partner’s not enjoying himself either. i mean, fuck. unless you’re “flying solo”, sex is *always* a two-way thing. what kind of picture does it paint when all guys here is how much women are full of disdain for sex? huh? er, i mean, i’m fine with the amount of foreplay in my life… ::cough:: - If we’re not having sex it’s because: we feel fat; we don’t feel very close to you, or we are punishing you for not doing something our way.
i agree on reason #1. sometimes i just feel icky. and i hate myself. but if i don’t feel close to someone (that sounds so tardish) then they would never be in a position where we’d be fucking anyways. how stupid. and #3? that is the dumbest thing ever. how is it effective to deny myself sex, too? huh? that’s so stupid! additionally, why would i punish a dude? what am i, his fucking mother? re-tard-ed. that sounds like something a 5-year-old-would do, a really perverted 5-year-old. - We’re afraid to meet your mother.
ok now this is 100% totally & completely true. (see also: driving me to drink) - We think you should have already known all this stuff.
yes, because being male means having fucking ESP. of COURSE! they can totally read minds! and we should totally expect them to!!!
you know what? I CALL FUCKING BULLSHIT!!
begin rant:
ok so like, one or two of those things were pertinent. *kinda* but the rest? complete fucking bullshit! no wonder there are such bad relationships between men and women! i mean, christ. what kind of co-dependent wussy freak of nature needs someone to say ‘i love you’ every 10 fucking minutes? no, seriously!?!?! i can’t fucking fathom that. but if anyone told me anything every 10 minutes i guarantee i would not be a happy camper. i’d be annoyed as all hell, and would not hesitate to bless them out for being such a fucking pain in the ass.
yes, it’s good to feel loved, and appreciated, and respected, and equal and all that other lovely stuff. but god damn, must there really be all these crazy requirements and such? seriously. how can you have an adult relationship when all you do is bitch about how your other half is not fulfilling you sexually and expect them to read your mind and anticipate your every whim while completely babying you and smothering you with affection? god that sounds absolutely awful!
and, ok, i know that bad sex occurs. i’m fully aware of that. but jesus. they always pin the blame on one fucking person, and it’s always the guy. like…always. i mean, if i were a dude my response would be ‘oh yeah? well you can go fuck yourself!’ seriously. i mean, if all i ever heard was “i don’t get enough foreplay, i can’t have an orgasm with you, i’m completely unsatisfied…blah blah blah.” yeah, well i wouldn’t be that fired up to fuck, that’s for damned sure. another point where the expected telepathy is just fucking wrong here. how will anyone know what you like, what you want, what you desire if you don’t say anything!?! and, it’s exceptionally hard for me to take my own advice here. seriously. because i hate talking about sex. or rather, i don’t hate it…i’ll do it…(the talking part, i mean)…it’s just. i get embarrased and all retardedly shy sometimes. but fuck, if there was something i wanted/didn’t want, i’d speak up! because if not, i have no right to bitch about it otherwise.
and i guess, most of this vitriol is fueled by things like this stupid fucking list– which as far as i’m concerned does nothing more than widen the chasm of male-female relationships — and disgustigly retarded things like this, which just make me wonder if the human race isn’t completely doomed, and that people should never interact with each other (and definitely not breed!) ever. no seriously. ever.
why does it have to be so complicated? there’s no reason for it. you know what i want? it’s really ridiculously simple. i’ll tell you:
- respect me
- be honest with me
- don’t fuck with my mind
- don’t fuck around (see also: honesty)
- don’t ever change and/or try to change me (see also: respect)
- laugh…a lot.
you see? how fucking simle was that? how easy? that’s all i want. seriously, all.i.want. anything else is a bonus. it’s that fucking simple.
man, i’m reminded again why i should never read crap like this.
end rant.
mine :
it’s snowing. right now. fucking snowing. in.april. sonofabitch. why didn’t anyone warn me about this? why have we had utterly gorgeous weather for at least a week, making me believe that spring has finally sprung, only to dump this shit on everything?
god damned new england weather.
i am convinced that hell is not fire and brimstone. not in the slightest. hell is a ball-shrivelingly frigid wasteland of subzero temperatures and freezing wind chill. hell is new england winters….
mine :
archive for the 'wrath' category
Protected: fuck it
Thursday, May 19th, 2005There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
posted in daily grind, wrath | Enter your password to view comments.
“flip flop bitches”
Sunday, May 15th, 2005flip flops…there is nothing remotely interesting about these rather crappy and useless “shoes”. in fact, the only use i can think for them is moderate foot protection at the beach and/or in locker room showers. and that’s it. however, yesterday the boy and i were trapped on the subway from roughly kenmore to allston st. […]
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reading will make you gay
Thursday, April 28th, 2005at least, that’s the basis (in simplest terms) of a bill that alabama lawmakers are trying to pass. now, not to get all bleeding-heart-liberal (as the midget would say) but what the bloody fuck? how do people like this get placed in positions of power? seriously…i mean, all shit like this does is breed hate […]
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Protected: bloux qwelj oei
Wednesday, April 20th, 2005There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
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Tuesday, April 19th, 2005so the vatican has finally decided on a new pope. cardinal joseph ratzinger of germany, now pope benedict XVI. w0rd. i don’t really have uber-strong feelngs either way, i mean, i realize the political impact the pope has on the world…it’s just, the politics of organized religion hold very little appeal for me. i think […]
posted in teh wurld, wrath | No Comments »
what women want
Thursday, April 14th, 2005according to this article on netscape, women want the following (commentary in italics, rant to follow): Saying “I love you” before, during or after sex doesn’t count. um, like…who *didn’t* know that. but i’m skeptical of the L-word anyway now…you know, the whole “burn me once…” thing… mehz0rz. When we ask you how we look, […]
posted in filler, wrath | 2 Comments »
what the fuck?
Tuesday, April 12th, 2005it’s snowing. right now. fucking snowing. in.april. sonofabitch. why didn’t anyone warn me about this? why have we had utterly gorgeous weather for at least a week, making me believe that spring has finally sprung, only to dump this shit on everything? god damned new england weather. i am convinced that hell is not fire […]
posted in wrath | 1 Comment »
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